Some people say that cannabis helps them drift off into a restful sleep, and others say it keeps them awake all night with creative impulses. Well, if you’re looking to treat insomnia with weed, it’s all about choosing the right strain. You won’t make the mistake of smoking energizing weed before bed if you follow our strain recommendations in this article!
completely exhausted, but I can’t wind down enough to fall asleep. You’re exhausted, but you can’t shut your mind off long enough to close your eyes. Could there be anything worse? Insomnia is an unfortunate and extremely frustrating sleep disorder that affects so many people.
Many people have trouble sleeping because they have other problems, like PTSD or night terrors. But for others, insomnia is something that just takes hold of their lives every now and then. And there are lots of different “cures” out there.
From sleeping tablets to hard-core exercise before bed, there’s still one solution that physicians are less likely to throw out there. THC. While it’s not a one-stop shop for all sleep problems, cannabis can have the effect of providing some much-needed time off.
So, to all those insomniacs, this article is for you to read. We’re talking about the best strains for ensuring a good night’s sleep, one of the most pleasurable things in life.
Indica or sativa for sleepy strains
As a general rule, indica strains are much more likely to work as a sleeping aid than sativa strains. Sativa-dominant strains tend to act more on a cerebral level, encouraging mental activity and creativity rather than relaxing those sensations.
It is also advised to consume edibles rather than smoke or vape. While inhalation brings the effects of cannabis on much faster than edibles, the effects of edibles last much longer. This gives you a better chance of getting a good night’s sleep for much longer.
Cannabis is not a long-time solution for sleep problems
Falling asleep easier is not necessarily linked to increasing the quality of sleep over time. We see this especially with alcohol, which can increase sleep onset but decrease sleep quality. In the case of cannabis, researchers discovered that THC was associated with reduced REM sleep. Over time, this can actually disrupt sleep quality because a certain percentage of REM sleep is necessary for feeling rejuvenated.
So if you’re using cannabis as a sleep aid, it’s best to use it in short bursts at a time since frequent users might build up a tolerance to the potential sleep-inducing effects. So, it is not a cure; it can be an effective aid in the short term!
7 favourite sleep-inducing strains
1. Northern Lights
Northern Lights is one of the best sleepy strains on the market. This famous strain was literally made to keep you warm on the inside while it’s cold and dark outside. Dutch geneticists knew what they were doing when they created this strain, and it’s been easing people into a sound sleep since the 1980s.
This indica strain is a famous pain and stress buster, too. So, if your insomnia is caused by chronic pain or stress, Northern Lights will slam it to the ground.
2. OG Kush
Even though OG Kush is a hybrid, it is known for giving people a strong and heavy high. Most of the time, this strain is recommended for people who are depressed or under a lot of stress, both of which can cause insomnia.
3. Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies is another hybrid strain that is often recommended for treating stress or depression. It is very strong and very relaxing, making the person who uses it feel less stressed.
Be careful with Girl Scout cookies—they can often have large THC percentages and can be very strong. So dose carefully!
4. 9 Pound Hammer
This strain gets its name for very obvious reasons. It is a lot like a 9-pound hammer for the person who uses it, and it crushes insomnia and stress in much the same way. This strain is a no-messing-around variety of weed. just indica, made for relaxation and sedation.
5. Big Bud

Big Bud is known for producing a lot of cannabis in gardens, but it also helps people sleep very well. It is pure indica and deeply relaxing. The effects can be felt physically and mentally, making it a great strain to use before sleeping.
6. Cheese

Cheese is another hybrid strain that feels more like an indica than a sativa. While sleepiness isn’t the number one thing experienced by this strain, relaxation is. Again, it’s highly recommended for those who experience stress-related symptoms, such as insomnia. It’s the perfect way to get into a relaxed state of mind before getting into bed.
7. Skywalker
Well, sleeping must be a lot like going up into the stars and walking among them for a few hours before coming back to Earth. Skywalker is well accepted by those suffering from anxiety or depression as a means of alleviating these symptoms. These are the kinds of feelings that might make it difficult to drift off into a restful sleep.
Skywalker, like Girl Scout Cookies, comes with a disclaimer. This strain usually has a very high THC content, so go slowly when it comes to dosing.
With these 7 strain suggestions, you might be able to use cannabis to help you get to sleep. Weed can be very helpful on nights when nothing else will help you get the sleep you need. Always be careful when picking a sleepy strain!